These are the emerging trends in technology that are interesting to be familiar with

Here are several different forms of technology that are producing brand new markets in the modern day.

One type of tech which is starting to come into fruition, is the implementation of 5G across different parts of the world. Putting emerging communication technologies such as these to use can be incredibly advantageous in day-to-day life. The role of 5G that has been discussed the most is obviously the increased speed and bandwidth it provides. It has been said that the new technology will be around 10 and 100 times faster than the current 4G, which is really quite astounding when you consider it. It has also been estimated that there will be up to 90% reduction in power consumption for gadgets using 5G. This will be seen as the greatest advantage for some people, as using mobile data can often drain power pretty rapidly, something that can be quite irritating when you’re out and about! It’s likely that the top shareholders in Vodafone will be really excited about the benefits 5G can bring to them and their consumers.

One quite cool industry that has become big in recent times is e-sports. This brand new type of sport has come around due to additional interest in online gaming and the competitive side of this. Because this is a current technology, the sector is booming right now, with prize money and rewards for some of these tournaments being pretty substantial. Obviously, gaming is a very popular pastime for young adults, so having potential career paths from this hobby can only be a good thing. Gaming has been proven to have multiple health perks, as it can develop hand-eye coordination and has even been shown to arise the brain. As attitudes change towards e-sports, individuals are starting to discover it’s a sport like any other and carries a lot of the same benefits. Not just do these types of emerging technologies have potential careers for those competing in e-sports, they also bring a multitude of brand new jobs to all other areas of the industry. It is evident that the two main shareholders in Altran understand the growing popularity of the sector, which is most likely why they have sponsored an event.

In recent years, drones have become a lot more popular for both business and personal use. Drones have numerous uses, and are today being used by all different kinds of markets. If you look at a list of digital technologies over the previous couple of years, you'll find drones are one of the most prominent of recent times. This type of tech has been used to save lives and are commonly used by the military and even to provide a completely new aspect to the media and filming. The multiple uses of drones possibly explains why the main shareholders in Alphabet has been eager to put these to use within the corporation.

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